It has been almost five years since I last stayed at a hospital. The cause of such unfortunate confinement: Throat Infection. I cannot remember what triggered the runaway affliction. Was it because of swallowing fluids that must not be taken when your Tonsils are not in a good shape? Or was it because of not paying attention to the antibiotics that you were taking and letting the bacteria become immune to it?
I am not sure.
What I do remember is that the Tonsillitis became so severe that I developed a fever a few days after the throat showed symptoms of impairment. On the fifth day, I was advised by the doctor that a bed rest will not suffice. What I needed were high dosages of antibiotics that will have to pass through tubes that were connected to my veins.
It was the first time intravenous medicine entered my system and I tell you, those were the worst days of my life.
I recovered a few days later, but we had to spend more than 30 thousand pesos for the lodging and the medicines while inside the hospital. My poor mother had to brace through several nights of sleeplessness while I shriveled and chilled due to high fever. The antibiotics that were prescribed by the doctor took days before they were able to rout the bacteria.
Therefore, when my throat gets a little uneasy and I feel a little difficulty swallowing foods,
I cannot help but get worried.
Because I always remember that hospital confinement where a throat infection almost cost me my life.
It's been almost a week since my throat began to act up again. I suspect that it was the night-out last Saturday. I should not have forced myself to go clubbing when I knew I had no more energy reserves for the night. Though it was my fervent hope that I would completely recover after three days without taking any medication, it seems like the Salabat and the chemical reaction from the bottles of beer that I drank backfired on my throat.
Things got worse last night.
I decided to take antibiotics out of fear that it may develop into another runaway Tonsillitis.
However, three tablets and several hours of bed rest later, things aren't improving yet. I did not go to work today to have some rest, but it seems it isn't working at all.
I am a little scared
but I will take my chances.
However, if things get worse...
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