And they call me Pulsar the Pink. Hyuk.. Hyuk.. I am the one who keeps the balance in this fair land. How may we assist you?
Great tidings my lords. My name is Qiki, the beautiful and voluptuous ambassadress from a land far far away. I have come bearing good intentions from the omnipresent one, Master Neil of the great nation of Camhalla.
In behalf of all that is left of Jomania, we acknowledge your most esteemed one, Ambassadress Qiki. Hyuk.. Hyuk..
Thank you. Your graciousness will be noted in the annals of Camhalla. Anyway, lets get down to business shall we?
The guardians of Jomania are listening my lady.
... [silence]
You speak of folktales ambassadress. Hyuk.. Hyuk.. We do not know of such dolls. If they have ever existed, then they have preceded us by eons.
Only the three of us remain in this place, but yes, whispers tell of a world they call Grenesia. The land was blessed with life. Unfortunately, tiny nation-states battle for supremacy in that realm. They set up fortresses and kingdoms perched on top of the hills or deep inside the caves. Legends tell that some of these tribes were gifted with exceptional talents that they can make objects fly. We do not know how such powers exist, but it is what the folktales reveal.
Interesting. We never know of such people in Camhalla. Is there a way I can reach out to them?
We do not think it is possible my lady. Grenasia is a world far different from the realm of Jomania. However, we do believe that some of the tribes have survived the war and the ones left are resting deep beneath this land of serenity. We leave you to explore this place. Maybe, just maybe, your presence might awaken them again.
Thank you very much. I have more questions...
Alas, our time has come to leave. Seek and you will find. May the infinite wisdom of this land guide you in your quest. Goodbye Qiki.
Wait... Don't leave me alone please!!
Heaven's, they left.
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