Sun Tzu said: Whoever is first in the field and
awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight;
whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle
will arrive exhausted.
VI. Weak Points and Strong
"The council has agreed to let you establish contact with this doll you mentioned. However, we advise you to exercise extreme caution for these dolls can never be trusted."
Yes Magistrate Sallapuddini, we will follow what the council desires to achieve.
"We have our full confidence in you Captain Terrille. We hope that you succeed in your mission."
Thank you. Any news if the other kingdoms have already been awakened?
"We do not have any news as of now. We will tell you about them when they communicate with us."
My utmost appreciation for your consideration. I am afraid Magistrate that our greatest threat is already on the move.
"Worry not Captain, our eyes are on the lookout for any Mogul Forces. We will eliminate the threat the moment we sense them."
I am relieved to know that. It would do us best to seek out the Artavians. We will need their help and the others in case the Moguls call on their vast armies.
"I will bring your concerns to the Council. Goodbye for now."
Captain, the Falconis is about to land. What are your orders?
The lady must not be alerted of our presence. Land this ship where she will not see us.
Yes Magistrate Sallapuddini, we will follow what the council desires to achieve.
"We have our full confidence in you Captain Terrille. We hope that you succeed in your mission."
Thank you. Any news if the other kingdoms have already been awakened?
"We do not have any news as of now. We will tell you about them when they communicate with us."
"Worry not Captain, our eyes are on the lookout for any Mogul Forces. We will eliminate the threat the moment we sense them."
I am relieved to know that. It would do us best to seek out the Artavians. We will need their help and the others in case the Moguls call on their vast armies.
"I will bring your concerns to the Council. Goodbye for now."
Captain, the Falconis is about to land. What are your orders?
The lady must not be alerted of our presence. Land this ship where she will not see us.
The art of war teaches us to rely not on the
likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness
to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking,
but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.
VIII. Variation in Tactics
Captain, pardon my inquiry but I heard the Magistrate speak of not trusting the dolls. Was there a time when dolls were our enemies?
You were still a pouchling when it all happened Momoko. The dolls were servants of the dark lord Brolie. They were powerful creatures who simply trampled us in the the battlefield. What stands between us and them was Lady Jasmine. She was the most powerful among them.
Tell me more about Lady Jasmine.
Ahhh!! You have a lot of questions Momoko. Let's talk again next time, we're almost an earshot from the doll.
I'm scared Captain.
Hush, hush. You're a soldier. Don't be intimidated by a giant like her.
Gosh! Why I can't send a message to Camhalla? Is there something wrong with my communicator. I want to go home. *sob*
Umm excuse me...
Had I known this would be hard. I shouldn't have volunteered to become the Ambassadress. The Omniscient One should have sent AJ or Lolita instead. Maybe little Puypuy would fit the mission better.
You won't call her attention by that Dimwit! Let me announce our presence.
Huh? Who's there! Show yourself or I will blast you with my deathray!
Do dolls have deathray Captain?
She's just bluffing. Dolls don't even have flying machines like us.
You don't need to shout. Just show yourself and keep me company. I am sooooo lonely, I wanna die.
Here we are my dear lady.
Huh? Where?
Look down and you will see us.
Gee... You're so... tiny
And you're so big! I wonder how your mammary glands look like?
Shhhh... Shut your mouth Momoko or we will be in trouble.
Your friend is funny. Do you want to see him fly?
Pardon his tongue my dear lady. It is his first time to see a creature as gorgeous as you.
You're flattering me *blush* I pressume you're the Captain, am I right?
Yes my lady.
Well then. My name is Qiki of the land of Camhalla. I have come here to seek dolls like me. Have you seen anyone.
Oh! Oh! I...
Why did you cover his mouth. Your friend Momoko wishes to speak.
What he will say would just upset you my dear lady. We are also seeking the dolls you seek.
Oh great! Now I have company. Are you the survivors of Grenasia?
You were still a pouchling when it all happened Momoko. The dolls were servants of the dark lord Brolie. They were powerful creatures who simply trampled us in the the battlefield. What stands between us and them was Lady Jasmine. She was the most powerful among them.
Tell me more about Lady Jasmine.
Ahhh!! You have a lot of questions Momoko. Let's talk again next time, we're almost an earshot from the doll.
I'm scared Captain.
Hush, hush. You're a soldier. Don't be intimidated by a giant like her.
Gosh! Why I can't send a message to Camhalla? Is there something wrong with my communicator. I want to go home. *sob*
Umm excuse me...
Had I known this would be hard. I shouldn't have volunteered to become the Ambassadress. The Omniscient One should have sent AJ or Lolita instead. Maybe little Puypuy would fit the mission better.
You won't call her attention by that Dimwit! Let me announce our presence.
Do dolls have deathray Captain?
She's just bluffing. Dolls don't even have flying machines like us.
You don't need to shout. Just show yourself and keep me company. I am sooooo lonely, I wanna die.
Here we are my dear lady.
Huh? Where?
Look down and you will see us.
Gee... You're so... tiny
And you're so big! I wonder how your mammary glands look like?
Shhhh... Shut your mouth Momoko or we will be in trouble.
Your friend is funny. Do you want to see him fly?
Pardon his tongue my dear lady. It is his first time to see a creature as gorgeous as you.
You're flattering me *blush* I pressume you're the Captain, am I right?
Yes my lady.
Well then. My name is Qiki of the land of Camhalla. I have come here to seek dolls like me. Have you seen anyone.
Oh! Oh! I...
Why did you cover his mouth. Your friend Momoko wishes to speak.
What he will say would just upset you my dear lady. We are also seeking the dolls you seek.
Oh great! Now I have company. Are you the survivors of Grenasia?
When there is dust rising in a high column,
it is the sign of chariots advancing; when the dust is low,
but spread over a wide area, it betokens the approach
of infantry. When it branches out in different directions,
it shows that parties have been sent to collect firewood.
A few clouds of dust moving to and fro signify that the army
is encamping.
IX. The Army on the March
This just came in my lord.
Tell me what is it Hirogen.
Our spy was able to intercept a message from Gomon. The message contains information about the location of the doll from another realm.
But most of our men are in deep sleep Emperor Mumrah.
No need to worry Detron. They will be awakened in time. This doll... appears to be a delectable present to Prince Kasper. He will be delighted when he finally wakes up.
Yes. And perhaps his life force shall be doubled once he consumes this doll. It's time we avenge our defeat from the Grenasian Alliance.
We will come to that Detron. Have patience my old, old friend.
In making tactical dispositions, the highest pitch
you can attain is to conceal them; conceal your dispositions,
and you will be safe from the prying of the subtlest spies,
from the machinations of the wisest brains.
VI. Weak Points and Strong
Our time of victory is now my dear comrades! Emperor Mumrah has sought our assistance to capture this doll who is under the sway of our sworn enemies, the Gomon. We have lost so much because of them and this time, we shall rain defeat into their homelands. This doll holds the key to our future. If her secrets become ours, countless worlds will fall into our hands. We shall bring terror to those who oppose us and we shall destroy the Gomons once and for all!!
My dear comrades, we have been given the opportunity to show what we are. The Starjammers were never asked to serve and so were the Ultramen. We will abduct the lady and bring her to the high lord. With luck, Prince Kasper will take notice of our victory and bless us with more courage to fight his battles.
We have two battleships to aid us in our assault.
They will never know what hit them.
The Art of War
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