Sunday, March 4, 2007

When Things Go Awry And You Don't Have Anyone To Run To

Buddy complains that his landlord came to his apartment to demand payments for their monthly rent. Unfortunately, his brothers, who also live with him failed to pay their contributions rendering him shouldering all the dues.

As a consequence, he needs to sell his mobile phone in order to compensate for the P1800 his landlord demands him to pay. If that happens, such situation would leave me blanked about his whereabouts, not to mention his immediate situation as well. You see, one of my security blankets in the relationship is my ability (and capacity) to get in touch with him anytime I want. It doesn't matter if it would leave me paying heavily for my monthly plan, so long as I know where he is or what he is doing, things are fine with me.

So back to his situation, much as I'd like to help him, Im caught between responsibility and commitment. Its not feasible to fly all the way to Valenzuela right now just to lend him assistance. My team leaders would not allow me, no matter what excuse I make. I am also harboring second thoughts as well for he still owes me from a vanity acquisition he had last December. Extending him another round of credits would leave me in a vulnerable state, it would also give him the idea that my pockets are deep.

But what can I do? such sacrifice is part of the relationship.

It's still too early to speculate what would happen today, but I am already bracing for the worst. I just hope that he could resolve his problem without going into extremes. If he really sells his phone and there would be no other way to check him from time to time, i'd have no choice but to raid Avenida.

Hopefully, somewhere in its alleys, there'd be a stall that sells extremely cheap phones. Though it would pain me to see my own money going elsewhere, I think this decision, is comparably better than wander aimlessly, thinking about him all the time.


Such vulnerability... in the long run, would leave us both, open to nasty attacks..

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