Monday, June 5, 2006

Bunny Interludes Nine

Go go Jubesity Rangers...

Due to burnout and the strong desire to spend all day playing Sim City 4, I have taken a leave in my gym activities for almost five days last week. Combined with the relentless pigging-out sessions during the past few days and viola! I gained 3 pounds in that short span of time.

What made matters worse is that my MP3 player, which I fill with club music every time I would go to the gym broke down and is beyond repair. I am planning to replace it with a better and bigger-capacity player using my card but with the heavy dues I still have to pay, I am having second thoughts. My greatest concern right now is how would I endure a 30-minute cardio without the aid of high-energy music.


It's been 4 months since I started working out and up to this point, I haven't reached my planned target. Probably the leniency I have followed during the last two months had put my improvements into a standstill. I may not have been a gluttinous eater nowadays but still, my work-out simply compensates for the food that I'm eating.

The four-day hiatus only tells that I am in the verge of surrendering this enterprise for an indefinite period. If I decide not to renew my membership for three months, this entry might be my last post about my three-month stint at the gym. If ever that happens, at least I should appreciate the fact that I already lost 20 pounds from such activity. I should be happy with it.

With bills coming from all directions and the upcoming enrollment into graduatie school underway, I wonder wheter if I could still find the motivation and time to go on and continue my little project. If only somebody would knock my head again and drive me towards proving something I never thought possible in a short time. If only I could be reminded of Coldfuzion who blocked me in G4M after I told him how nice it would be to be like him someday.

Maybe, I wouldn't have thoughts like this. Probably this ninth interlude entry would be about my formal declaration that I am in my ideal weight already.

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