Friday, June 30, 2006

Theory Of Devolution

Exactly an epoch ago, I was just a mere monkey criss-crossing the tree branches of the university. Back then, MP3 players such as i-Pod and Creative weren't still invented and hominids like me chatted with each other just to kill time, while waiting for the Neanderthal professor to arrive. An entire sundown would pass and when the Neanderthal suddenly doesn't arrive for the class, we would go into such kind of ecstasy, praising our soon-to-be-gods for letting the professor to be lost in the woods or mountain pass, or be devoured by some primitive carnivore while looking for our classroom across the caves. We never really saw how relevant it is to conduct classes - especially when that Neanderthal is the only one stopping us from swinging in the branches after class ends.


Six million years and two extinction events later, I found myself sitting on a chair, surrounded by kids debating about who's better - Bioman, or Maskman - which in reality, they haven't seen yet in their lives. A classmate decided to follow my footsteps and bought a much better MP3 player from Creative. Thirty minutes have passed, and still, the Neosapien instructor, hasn't arrived yet. Whether it be a teleportation device, or another gadget still unknown to man, we patiently waited, hoping she would arrive to conduct our classes.

In just single movement in the hand of the mother-watch, the students decided to pack up and leave the Neosapien teacher who is still missing-in-action after the intended waiting time for her to arrive. Perhaps, her transporter had a minor malfunction and instead of being transported as a human, she turned out to be an ant, or a butterfly who got easily attracted to the sight of the trees and plants surrounding our building.

Just like that, these kids joyfully left the room - chanting anime songs from their generation. What about me, who spent the entire hour travelling from my gym in Recto all the way to Diliman? What about me, who spent three thousand bucks just to pay for my own tuition fee coming from my own money? What about me, who spends around P200 pesos a day just to enjoy a humane existence among the trees of my university.

Do I deserve some consideration? All I'm asking is for them to realize that I'm making all my money's worth for this kind of investment.

If those kids would only feel how's it like to pay for your own education... If only the instructor would understand the value of time, the good manners of telling people waiting for her that she can't make it to class and if only, those people know how pain-in-the-ass it could be to be a working student.

Maybe the education system and culture here in this frigging country would be so much better.
UP ain't so different from my very own alma mater.

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