Monday, September 24, 2007

Return To Club Bath (Darkest Broken Blue Jars Remix, Second Part)

It took him two months before he decided to return.

And when Kitsune arrived, he was engulfed with a rebellious spirit. His cold and cruel attitude towards guys who wanted to force their will upon him was met with absolute resistance. One time, his hand was held by a big fat guy. Kitsune pulled away even if the guy tried to approach him for a second attempt. Stares, which he is not willing to entertain were met with a blank gaze on the floor. In a culture encouraging silence and supposed-to-be-discreetness inside the premises, the only way he could respond to such intention is a display of aloofness.

No wonder he did not score the first time he went to the club.

The confrontations came to a brief stop when he met two guys having a conversation in the smoking room veranda. It turned out, these two acquaintances met in the same club before, for they frequent the place during weekends. Both of them were effeminate, but it doesn't matter so long as they would never give him any impression of aggression. The first one offered him a cigarette, which Kitsune gladly accepted. This guy had a certain degree of friendliness and sensibility that Kitsune found very harmless. He loves to converse and talk a lot.

The other person - a chubby guy who claimed that Baguio is swarming with beautiful people, tried to be casual at first. But later on, he was showing signs of intention, which Kitsune found very disturbing. After the talkative guy returned to his private cubicle, this chubby made his intentions clearly. He was in for an aggression, which in normal circumstances, Kitsune would immediately turn down. But Kitsune tried to avoid hostility despite the situation. In the end, he decided to play along.

"Are you a top or a bottom," the guy asked him.

"I am a bottom," Kitsune responded. He hoped that his answer would turn off the guy who was cornering him.

"But haven't you tried being a top?" the guy continued while touching Kitsune's sleeping prick.

"I don't want to be a top." Kitsune responded coldly. If he only knew how sadist top Kitsune could be.

Despite Kitsune's attempts to avoid a confrontation, he ended up going to this guy's private cubicle within the maze-like second floor. He never did anything except to fondle and make-out with the guy, but the host was very insistent. Fortunately, if the mind does not respond, the body follows. The whole time Kitsune never had a boner while being with the guy.

Nevertheless, fearing that Kitsune might be showing a terribly bad attitude towards the other patrons of the club, he tried to be conversational with the host. In between make-outs, which in all honestly Kitsune finds disgusting, he told him stories about past experiences, while forcing the other guy to relate his experiences inside the club. It was all but a ploy; an attempt to prolong a contact Kitsune wishes to cut gradually. But when there is no genuine interest among two people, it is natural for them to part ways. Kitsune eventually backed out while trying to pretend everything remains friendly between them.

In truth however, things were very much different. When they saw each other again in the corridor, it is as if they never met before.



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