It was already late afternoon. The sun was already about to set and most of my cousins and aunts had already returned to their respective rooms to prepare for our most immediate departure going back to Manila.
While waiting for my mom and my sister to get out of the bathroom, I took the opportunity to reflect about the family vacation that was about to end. After so much thinking, it just dawned to me that I enjoyed it, despite the hassles and the briefness of such interlude in our lives.
Somehow, the out-of-town trip brought some new and refreshing insights to me.
We spent the whole afternoon at the beach across the street. We rented a small cottage beside the shore since we planned to eat our lunch there. After I had my fill of grilled pork and shellfish soup, I rushed towards the sea where the waves were waiting for me. My sister got this inflatable which allowed me to lie down and bask under the intense rays of a high noon sun.
For two hours, the inflatable was tossed and turned by the ever increasing waves, while I floated and being carried by the currents. I would have basked a little longer, however I noticed that my cousins did not follow me to the beach. Something might have sparked their interests so I had to check it out.
When I got back to the cottege, my mom and my aunt were waiting for me. They said we had to leave and return to the resort since all of my cousins decided to swim in the pool instead.
The first time I saw the pool, I was so disgusted by how dirty it was. In fact, I thought it would be far better for us to swim in the beach instead.
During our first night however, boredom and homesickness started creeping in. My aunts and some of my cousins were busy playing board games they brought along, while I was left idle, thinking what to do while we waited for my other relatives and cousins to arrive.
Soon, the boredom I felt drove me to make a decision that was against my will. I had to take a dip or I would be forced to go alone in the beach to do a night swimming - which was way too risky for me.
So for more than three hours, I found myself swimming in the same pool which I deemed too dirty. I had a terrible cough when we arrived there, yet all that mattered to me was that I had to do something that would make my vacation worthwhile - swimming.
Soon, my other cousins joined me and we had fun until the coldness of the air forced us to get out of the water.
It was a long night indeed, longer than what we had during Christmas and New Year Reunions for when the second group arrived at past 10 pm, we treated ourselves a midnight snack composed of Chicken and Pork Adobo and steamed rice. 

Since we had total dominion over the resort, some of my cousins decided to sing in the videoke while I sneaked out of the resort to take a stroll and feel what the place looks like after dark.
Most of the resorts that lined in the opposite side of the street were private ones. At past 10 pm, all of them had already closed their gates to outsiders. Hence, I had to walk several meters away just to reach the nearest alley that leads to the beach itself.
At nightfall, the beachfront was different from what we saw earlier that evening. Instead of seing adults and young children playing in the sand, those who were there were teenagers and couples that were younger than me. In fact, I had a strange feeling that I was one of the oldest persons withing several meters in both directions away from me.
I could have stayed longer - if it wasn't a sneak out. In fact, I could have chilled out together with the other kids in the area. The sight of the crescent moon's light reflecting on the sea was too much to miss. If sunsets at the beach brings bliss and serenity, moonsets brings tranquility to those who are fortunate enough to see one in their lifetime.
Four years after I saw a full moon set in the sea, its silver eerie light being reflected by the water, I told myself that I would see one someday in the future no matter how long it would take. But that night, I had to contend myself with just seeing a fraction of the light illuminating the sea.
Less than 5 minutes after I have arrived at the beachfront, my phone began to ring.
It was my mom and they were all looking for me at the resort.
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