L-Carnitine is a substance that is naturally occurring in the body. It helps convert fatty acids into energy needed by for a healthy heart, important body functions and physical activities. Supplementary L-Carnitine may contribute to optimal fat oxidation, and along with proper diet and regular exercise, may also promote a healthy body weight.
The commercials claim that it can aid in reducing body fat by up to 16 percent with regular exercise and proper diet. Being a consumer desperate for a real health drink that would replace my dependence on Nestea and C2, I tried the product the moment it was introduced in the market last year. My hopes were high and so far, I'm pretty satisfied with what this product had done for me.
For months prior to its release, I've been praying to the Capitalist gods (namely Del Monte) to make their pineapple juices more available to the market. Aside from getting less from its canned juices, I find them quite pricey for daily consumption. Finally, my prayers were answered and the closest thing I've got is the plastic bottled Fit n Right, which cost around P23 pesos in Ministop and 7-Eleven stores.
Much as I would like to consider its effect a mere placebo effect, it appears that Fit n Right really works. From the time I started drinking it, my weight gradually dropped - or at least remained where I expected the weight scale to set. I also noticed that I got thinner without compromising the muscles I've built up from my weight lifting. Since I always pick the Pineapple Juice bottle, I get regular dosage of Bromelain, which is reputed to have a very positive health effect on one's immune system. If I'm not mistaken, it is the same chemical compound responsible for boosting my immunity against a total system breakdown when I was still getting very little sleep back in the morning shift.
Joining the countless individuals and fitness experts who strongly recommend this drink, I strongly believe that if there is any real health drink in the market today, Del Monte Fit N Right is one of them. Though its weight loss properties maybe dubious, despite obvious effects on me, the word L-Carnitine guarantees that this juice drink may have some qualities that other juice drink may not have.
In the end however, a consumer desperate for some genuine weight loss should not depend on a simple marketing ploy alone.
The real key to fitness is exercise. Not even the best health drink can beat that.
image borrowed without permission here
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