Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Laglag Brip

"Tsong ang cute nung kasalubong natin, bet ko ata malaglagan ng brip!"

This joke has been runnning around my group everytime we see a cutie. Before, it was a mere joke since undies are always tighter than the pants. There's no chance they would fall off, no matter what stretching we do.

But in my case, ever since I started working out, several of my loosest undies are beginning to slide down whenever Im walking.

I even have to pull them up occasionally so that they would not fall completely.


I told myself to achieve at least a 170 pound weight before I overhaul my entire undie fleet.

But it seems like Im counting weeks na lang before I really do it.

Pero... if someone really pulls my pants/shorts down at nahigit pati brief ko, even if I have to use my credit card, I will really refleet my undies immediately.

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