Monday, December 3, 2007

Phankspace (Second Part)

"Ang laki-laki talaga!!"

I remarked while my eyes turned around to inspect the kitchen, the dining area and the living room. After the wild abandonment session, (which ended after my buddy gave me a warm bath) Phanks resumed his laundry duties leaving me idle and with nothing else to do. I went around to feel his loft, hoping to learn his inner personality.

Truth is, even if we see each other every week, I don't know many things about my partner outside the confines of our relationship. All I know is that he is a terrible flirt, he loves the divas - especially Regine and he is a very hard worker. Between the two of us, he is more into mainstream. He wouldn't mind watching variety shows or listen to jologs music (like those being played in Love Radio). Our personality contrasts so much that I sometimes ask myself how we are able to last this long without getting bored with one another. One thing I also noticed is that the more we grow older, the more he becomes effeminate.

Which strangely, doesn't concern me at all.

Last week, I intercepted a message he sent to a girl friend confiding that he misses having a "companion." I interpreted the word "companion" as someone else aside from me since the girl replied in a giggly tone. She implied that my buddy has an "anonymous textmate" and even encourages him to meet this person. It did affect me for a brief moment and I seriously considered confronting him about this latest cat-and-mouse game between us. However, I immediately realized that in the way I project myself lately, it is as if I'm the epitome of singlehood. Nobody among my new friends have ever seen my buddy and me showing up together in a group gathering.

So I guess we're just quits.

Nevertheless, the issue isn't the textmate or what his girl friend said. Spoken between the words of the text message is the undeniable loneliness my buddy feels living alone. There were many times, he would tell me how he wished we're living together - especially after his brother had left. He would even insist that I should hang-out more in his place the soonest I could find time to go to Valenzuela. Much as I would love to accept his offer, he knows that my feet is deeply rooted at home. In our four years of being a couple, I've grown used to him staying in my place rather than me sleeping over in his home.

That is why I somehow sympathized with him. That same afternoon, much as I would lose money with my decision, I decided to buy him a second-hand TV.

I could not simply bear the fact that I have my cable TV, my internet and computer games at home, while he have to endure the madness of weekends in deafening, solitary silence with a simple transistor radio as company.

The TV would be my present for him this Christmas.



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