Friday, July 28, 2006

Waps 2

In fact, I would have already cut my work (shift) during Waps departure for the US, but I just knew I can't do so because there are so many people who would notice my escape. I gave myself a night to improve my performance but...

- Back To Zero, July 30 2004


It's like standing in front of a marker created, to remember you every year this day would come. Weeks, months, years have passed; I don't even remember the last time we talked. Maybe, when XP was admitted in the hospital several months ago? Perhaps, even longer than that. Maybe last Christmas Party when I asked you to call and say hello to us, who have shown up to celebrate a tradition you have conceived for everyone.

I could have let this day pass. After all, I think nobody still remember. Maybe it seems like it would really end this way. But you know what, whenever I remember the days and nights you were the center of us - organizing a house party, or in Quatro, or elsewhere; whenever I remember all the things and memories we have shared together - such as your rollercoaster relationship with your bestfriend, the night someone filled your neck with hickies in Mister Piggys, the morning we had an impromptu hang-out in my place only to attend the Misa De Gallo that morning - the fact that you have touched and connected our lives in so many ways you may never know; and when ever I see the photos some Odder took during our self-destruction nights at James' pad, or at the first Christmas Party we organized, or at the Montemar Outing we did for three years in a row,

Things, which I thought wasn't there anymore still makes itself present inside my head.

I still remember you waps, especially this day you said goodbye.


I have accepted the fact you won't be going back real soon. Yet, I'm still hopeful that one day, you would just surprise us with your return.

I hope by then, you still remember us.

And even though we may never relive the fun times - in the future.

I just want you to know... that

Maybe the reason why I keep on remembering this day, like when it happened exactly two years ago, when one morning you sent me a text message shortly before boarding the plane that would take you there... in the States

Is because even though we don't really talk anymore, somehow, our old friendship still endures... waiting, and patiently watching for the time it would bloom again, like it did before.

Maybe, as long as those who were left here are still connected, our memories would live on waps.

Thanks again for everything.

You still have us Meng-meng.

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