Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Resolutions and Realizations - Act Two

Speaking of death and things you hold dearly, I made sure that I would leave home this morning after the sun has already appeared.

Of course, I won't take the risk of being late again, but I have to do it because I will have to cross the street where the girl was crushed to death yesterday afternoon.

I simply can't bear to see the spot where she was crushed, cause I would be reminded of how grotesque she looked like in my imagination after a ten-wheeler ran over her.

When I arrived at the intersection, the spot where her mutilated body used to lie was still covered in lumps of newspapers. It seems like her things were still scattered on the spot since trails were still seen from where I am crossing.

Anyway, I found out in the news this evening that the girl was run over by the truck because she was texting while crossing the street. She never paid attention to the truck, who was just beside her at that moment.

Such worthless and useless death. These are the things that makes me really really upset.


Her tragedy reinforced my spiritual beliefs once again.

The thought of Phanks crossing the same street when he sleeps over my place; thoughts of my friends crossing such busy intersections whenever they go to work; thoughts of my loved ones suffering the same tragedy, simply scared me to death.

I scan't bear to accept such tragedy befalling upon me.

That is why ever since last night, I've been talking to religious icons again.

I've been asking God to protect my loved ones and the closest people around me in exchange for doing good things and harvesting positive karma.

Because of all the things that scared me most, it is to experience in this lifetime death in a worthless, useless, tragic, inhuman and grotesque way.

I will give everything a human can ever give, just to ensure that such tragedy would never befall upon me.

God, never in this lifetime.

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