Saturday, February 16, 2013

Relaunching The Raketship

My Elance account has been around before my chance encounter with Bentusi. Conceived with the notion of survival, its creation served as a buffer to the dwindling funds. The plan didn't push through after I met the editor. With the account nearly forgotten, it could have been erased with a click of a mouse button.

But times are hard these days and in no way can my wealth support my lifestyle. Leaving the workplace for greener fields is not an option, for I have become the trunk from which all branches spread out. Pushed against the wall, and with no one to rely on, the resurrection of the income-sourcing portal is the solution I have left.

And so I logged in using my old username. Twice, my password wasn't accepted for the wrong combination of letters and numbers. Updates had to be made with my job description and portfolio of written works. I uploaded a picture of myself - the one I had taken when the boss asked me to run a project last year. I also took skills tests to buttress my chances of being hired. 

To cap the preparation, I readied myself for a Skype interview. It will be the last leg of the process before my account is verified.

"Look at the camera while I take your picture," the caller said as we spoke using my laptop. As the sound of the camera shutter snaps my digital face, the interview was over. Email confirmation was sent soon after.

The boss was informed of the plan the next day. He was receptive to the idea given the grave situation at work. No longer just a sideline, or a work-from-home arrangement, Elance will become a springboard from which all work at the office may come.

"In the grand scheme of things..." I whispered before clicking the mouse button. I had just sent my first proposal for a writing project.

Remembering Bentusi and her early days as a work-at-home mom, I have cast myself into the open sea - and like her, maybe - I have nothing but thoughts of swimming and staying afloat.


bien said...

good luck! i noticed that you're using your old handle again. i remember you telling me you're a shogun fan.

ok, the chismoso in me was actually itching to comment on the post before this one, and hey, you may delete this comment if it doesn't sit well with you.

good luck uli.

Mugen said...


I am identified with my old name. Ang hirap alisin eh. Meanwhile, I'll stay incognito while putting more entries on this blog. Hopefully, it won't be noticed by my brood next time.


Ano yung gusto mong itanong? Lol.