Friday, December 2, 2005


I really hate it when I feel empty all of a sudden.
Imagine, the morning was great, the air is very cold and the fact that December has finally arrived should have a positive impact on me.
But come December 2, and I am here sulking at home... with no plans of doing anything today.
As promised by my mother, she would tell the househelp to erect the Christmast Tree by the end of November in hopes of encouraging the Christmas spirit at home.
Now that its already standing, we still can't feel that Christmas is around the corner. Maybe I should blame it for the lack of Christmas Lights, or maybe because of my age. But sometimes, I really do miss the days when I still see Christmas from a kid's eyes.
Whenever I get to remember those days when I would just sit beside the tree the whole evening and think of good things and nostalgic memories until I feel good makes me wonder why all of a sudden, it doesn't feel like that anymore.
The Christmas List is already prepared... and like in all other years ever since I got work, it numbers around a hundred. With that kind of list, I should have been hunting for bargains already. I should have shifted from being a stingy person to being a splurger.
Anyway, its just December 2. Let's see what will happen in the next few weeks.
The mess made by Happee Girl has produced massive conflicts and controversies in the office.
Her irresponsible actions had successfully broken some budding friendships... yet it created new ones as well.
It appears that Happee Girl and her pseudo boyfriend have different versions of the story. While the boyfriend denied everything he said to the girl. Happee Girl insisted that she was telling the truth. Thus creating confusion to those who got involved in the whole mess as well.
You see, it would have been better if they just kept their mess to themselves. But telling Mami that some of the operators don't like her at all because of her free-spirit personality is rather a very serious offense.
Especially if its untrue.
And that allegation alone drove me to the battle front. Never been I've been this crafty and devious in my entire career life.
Forget about Karma and everything. I just felt betrayed by making me believe in their fictional story.
And you know what's more painful?
It's that you may never know the truth about what they said. It's like you are suddenly plucked from you peaceful existence to protect someone you really care about.
Then at the middle of it, you don't know who you're really fighting with.
You see, the problem lies with the girl. If she didn't chickened out during the big confrontation between Mami and her pseudo boyfriend last monday, if she defended herself in front of those who were involved, then everyone wouldn't be dragged into this.
We would have returned to our normal lives and forgetting everything that has ever happened.
But the conflict became bigger and nastier when to our surprise, a third wheel appeared in the scene.
Let's call this guy Oz. We used to hang out with this guy, treating him as one of our own. During the issue between Happee Girl and her pseudo-bf, Oz claimed that he feels hatred for this girl for telling everyone that he is madly in-love with her.
Oz even told us some nice story about how this girl treated her when they are together.
To our surprise, after the pseudo bf confirmed that everything is already over between him and the girl (which the boy vehemently denied initially) Oz appeared on the scene, now defending the girl and claiming that she was just misunderstood.
Imagine our surprise when we heard that remark from him.
In the process, we felt betrayed even more. Some guys in the other shift even began calling Oz no balls for suddenly shifting sides.
We tried our best to downplay his betrayal by keeping quiet about it. But everytime he macks us on our MSNs, we are just being reminded over and over again that sometimes, mere infatuation can break friendships.
It appears that Oz took advantage of the whole scene, now that pseudo-bf is not there anymore.
Now, who would get mad at that?
I just sincerely hope that things around the office would simmer very soon... before the boss arrives from his business trip.
I hope nobody would ever get involved again in the continuing saga of the girl who cried wolf.
As for us... we would try to keep everything under wraps. After all, my thoughts are with Mami. As long as she feel hurt, then my pain and hatred remains.
I would keep a cold front towards them - especially the girl and the third wheel.
While I would watch my back from the pseudo-bf.
Now that I have already vented this out.
I can finally focus my attention to the potentially serious tampuhan I have with phanks...

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