Monday, August 7, 2006

Distress Call

It pains me whenever somebody, out of the blue would call me immature.

Perhaps, there is a ground for that person to call me immature. But for no clear explanation at all... or just for the reason I think and talk alone, is I think perfectly baseless.

Can an immature person manage his finances so well, he doesn't have any troubles paying for his dues? Can an immature person provide sensible advices to those who needs it? Can an immature person be responsible enough to think bigger things like his family and friends rather than himself alone?

Can an immature person look beyond the present and into a future he is trying to make a little bit secure for himself and his loved ones.

Calling me immature based on how I think and talk alone is very unfair. In fact, it was something very disheartening and demoralizing, no matter how I tell myself to fight such lingering feeling.

And because of that, I had to vent it out, just to make myself feel better. Perhaps she's right. I'm still immature in a sense that I can't take criticism like a man.

Maybe... I'm taking too much flank and pressure these days, that all I ever wanted is for everyone to leave me alone. Especially if those people would just bring me down to make themselves feel fuckingly and shittingly better.

But, the question remains. Is she that mature herself? Before telling me such lousy things, I'd appreciate it if she reflects first whether she is mature enough to see herself first before looking at other people's percieved shortcomings.

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