Monday, September 11, 2006

Letter Of Acknowledgement

This is the Darkstar speaking...


You reached out to someone only to be ignored. That can pass. You reached out again to the same person only to be ignored again.. That's disheartening. Once again, after several weeks of worrying, you reached out to the same person again, in hopes that you could convey your simple message that says "I am here, friend." But what did you get, another dead reply. Don't you get it? You sound so pathetic this time, and even I can't help but be sorry for your ass.

So what's your reason this time? Is it because you think too much of the favors he had given you in the past, so that you're trying your best to be present, now that there's a chance to show your gratitude back to him? Is it because you consider your pakisama and that you want to tell him that yourself - even in a simple SMS messsage? You know what, you should listen to me when I say enough is enough. Don't be too concerned to people who wouldn't show you concern at all. Don't waste your time reaching out, when the person doesn't want to be reached at all.

You say that you're only asking for a little acknowledgement? What if the person doesn't want you to exist in his life, what then is in store for you? You see, they are right sometimes. You are so damn nice, that there's a chance for you to be abused when your barriers are very low. I even have to speak to you directly so that you would FINALLY listen.

Let go if you must let go. Don't look back in your happy histories if that's what would make you bitter in the future. And next time, don't care when others don't want your care. Your life is too complicated already to think about the people next to you.

Who wouldn't even care to return the favor by merely acknowledging your concern.

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