Friday, July 20, 2007

For Your Perusal Only

Comrade Greif-Falke:

From our last conversation at Starbucks, we compared notes about our experiences at the "zone," which, as you proudly said, "your occupied territory." I dispatched an informant last night to verify the facts you have told me. When he returned this morning , not only did he validate your data, but for your enjoyment, he supplied additional substantive information that you can use, if and ever you return to your base sometime next month.

Here are the things that he discovered.

  • According to my informant, talking to the manager first really helps. Unbeknownst to the customer, the manager acts as an intermediary between the "client" and the "provider". This side-track transaction would greatly help particularly in arranging business which involve "extra services" on the part of the provider.
  • Like what you have said, a customer can pay less but get more. Of course, talking to the manager would help clarify things left unsaid during the "actual conduct of business."
  • There's nothing to be ashamed of asking the manager "who is the best among the rest." In fact my informant said that the manager recommended to him the "shining one," the provider you have mentioned during our last meeting.
  • They have a sister branch somewhere along J.Ruiz Station.
  • They do subject themselves to "experimentation" every month. They do have a sort of license too, according to the provider tapped by my informer. It seems like "protection" is their utmost concern.
  • It is possible to take double.
  • Finally, my informant claims satisfaction with a "provider" who's code-name is synonymous with the word "radio." I do suggest however to pick someone else since my informer doesn't share his "booty" with others - not even to me.
There are many other details which I would like to discuss to you in private. I do hope that this "exchange of knowledge" would usher better relations between our two nations.

Until then my friend.

Yours in arms,

Comrade Темная Звезда


Business is business.
When it ends, it ends.

The cycle begins anew.

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