Friday, November 21, 2008

The Arousal

He was given the green light to take a bath yesterday, but the patient has decided to clean himself only just now. This is due to being given permission to change his sick-stained sheets this morning, whose pillow covers and blanket reeked of dried sweat, dead skin flakes and filth from his four-day bout with chills. Paracetamol popping had ceased this morning. The fevers are gone and the headaches, well, the patient still experience them from time to time but it does not alarm him anymore. What he fears are the drug's effects on his liver. He is starting to feel strange in his midsection since yesterday. The fan also starts whirling early this morning. With his body temperature back to normal, his feet would require a focus blast of wind to keep itself cooled as it has always been during sleeping time. It is as if the patient is ready to resume his life again, but he should take caution this time.

The doctor has given him permission to start working tomorrow.

And the call of toiling to make a living proves too tempting to resist, but the stress it brings is another story.

Let us see how it goes. What matters is that we are ready to pack up and declare this patient, this stubborn big boy,


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