Saturday, August 25, 2007

Floor Filler (Just Thinking Out Aloud Sessions Seven)

Pulsar: (Interviewer) Isn't it so boring today Joms? How about I interview you again so both of us will have something to do?

Joms: That's a good idea. I cannot stand P-Man playing Light Alternative music today. Something inside me is breaking apart.

Pulsar: Hey, that was supposed to be my first question. I was about to ask you how are you feeling today.

Joms: Like what I have said. I am dead restless. I am sleepy and I had an ASG.

Pulsar: What is an ASG?

Joms: After Sex Glow. I had popoy with someone before I went to work... Tangina, why does P-Man have to torment me with mellow love songs this morning. It's too early for senti time.

Pulsar: Hmmm... who is this someone you had sex with?

Joms: My buddy, you silly interviewer! He's been staying in my place for almost a week now.

Pulsar: Do you find this set-up very unusual?

Joms: Let me save my insights for another entry.

Joms: Tangina talaga. Now I'm totally disturbed by his music.

Pulsar: Why are you affected Joms? Are YOU still keeping some feelings for him?

Joms: Kuya Trip will accuse me of denying again. But to tell you the truth, I really don't know. Maybe because I am curious as to why he unusually plays songs like that.

Pulsar: It ain't your business anymore right?

Joms: It should not be. But what can I do, I do not have any other distractions today.

Pulsar: Does it have to be that way all the time?

Joms: Distraction is my only way to go on with life. I distract myself so that my emotions would not cascade when it receives a direct hit. I distract myself so that I will not think of my feelings in moments that they should not be present.

Pulsar: I understand what you mean. Sometimes, emotions suck diba? When was the last time you felt this way?

Joms: A very long time ago. I usually master my emotions.

Joms: Yosi muna ako, let us continue our conversation later.

Pulsar: Sige, I will try to look for Darkstar to assess your situation. You dumped him at the start of the month, hayan tuloy, we don't have any second opinion as to how to address your issues.


Joms: This is the second time I am bombarded with a playlist like that. I really don't know why I am still affected.

Pulsar: Don't you think you are assuming too much?

Joms: What do you mean?

Pulsar: Nothing...

Joms: Anyway after this, I will lull myself with my own light alternative playlist.

Pulsar: Do what you wish. Darkstar doesn't want to comment right now.

Joms: Tell him, he will have his time possibly next month; that is if I find exploring my cup of tea. Do you know what, I never went out this month.

Pulsar: I know. Blame it on your hectic schedule. Strangely amazing, you did not party the entire August.

Joms: I promised myself a respite from everything right?

Pulsar: That is the amazing part, you have managed to hold on to your promises so far.

Joms: Do I have a reason to go out in the first place?

Pulsar: You are the only one who can answer your question.

Pulsar: Anyway, any last thoughts you have before I end our little tête-à-tête?

Joms: None, I'm pooped out.

Pulsar: Thanks for your time Joms. Isn't it so nice that we could talk about these things again? I look forward to having another filler post like this one in the future. It is alright to open up these feelings, after all, it appears very rarely.

Joms: Thanks and you're welcome. Until then mister interviewer.


After stealing a power nap at work, Joms felt much better. I knew it was just mere ranting and nothing more. - Pulsar

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