Thursday, November 16, 2006

Intelligent Design Afterthoughts

Taking your repression elsewhere

is good, especially if you have strong

reasons for doing it. I don't know if

you could call it an artistic feat to self

destruct in the face of massive

changes that comes in your life.
ask me what's my naughtiest fantasy is
Only to rebuild things over a massive pile of mess
and I would tell you that it would be
that was left after your deliberate self destruction.
a face-off with two tough top guys
But it was indeed a classic act of loosing control;
playing with them is my ultimate trip, something that would
of becoming the hidden person you are capable of,
always drive me to become aggressive
without any inhibitions
in the battleground known as bed
or moral guidelines to follow.
I was in the process of following theTripper's
It was a guiltless trip, a rage focused on someone else.
advise on eye contact. But I guess, I'm not
and I could have prolonged it, for days, if I'm really up
confident enough to play such chasing game
to take the hardest challenge.
I would have gone to F last night just to see the place
It was a sense of adventure I rarely take - a thrill seeking
once and for all.
activity that I don't usually take part of
But I got bored with the idea before I took such thought
now that time, isn't really by my side.
But I guess 12 hours is enough
I would have told more if this is a confession blog like Macoy's
to let things subside.
but it isn't. So I will keep the juiciest details
and allow everything get back to normal.
to myself and forget these trippings...
The war is over.
until the next rage begins
It's time to pick up the broken pieces,
the adventures will stop for
especially now that other concerns are fast

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