Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Warlord's Notebook

14 November, 2345 hours

Our scouts spotted the third army waiting for us southeast of the capital city this evening. We have to admit that this force is too strong for our defenses to hold. Fortunately another army appeared over the horizon, and it served as a distraction for the army waiting for us. It was a three-pronged battle that ended in a stand-off. Good for us or else our forces would have fought three battles today.

News coming from Mugen City reports that the increased military presence prevented the situation to get out of control and become a revolution. The rage felt by our citizens over two media disks remains high, despite assurances from the imperial court that things are under control.

Who would have thought that such forbidden objects carelessly left by our ally's emissary beside the imperial throne would create so much havok, it would encourage the extremely restless citizens to bear arms. What we've in our hands is a war within our realm and a war outside our borders. Our ally, despite our countless plea for help could only offer their apologies. I have my own thoughts about this response from them, but out of respect to the Jomanian Emperor, I should keep my silence about this.

I just hope that the people would remain calm and someday forget the incident that started this all. Honestly, I don't want to see the empire crumbling simply because its people decided that they need change. If ever that happens, our ally would crumble as well because of it.

Nevertheless, a state of war still exist and the military will remain on high alert for any civil disturbances or another invasion coming from elsewhere. Looking at my men sleeping inside their tents at night, I still wonder whether these good soldiers still feel any guilt whenever they score a bloody victory over enemy forces at the expense of our long time ally.

May the war end soon so that we could resume our normal lives again. Being in the front lines is not an easy task. To be honest, I would rather stay in one of the imperial buldings arguing with the head minister of the peace party about our foreign policy. It's much better planning over wars that might be fought than fighting a war you have never expected like today.

Until our future remains uncertain we would keep to our post and patrol over our borders.

I remain,

Drake Starre
General, Imperial Jomanian Armed Forces

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