Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Hip Hugger

Just maybe, at a very young age, mother taught us to be very touchy with those who mean to us. We grew up learning that assurances come from a tight hug or a snuggle from those we love. An ex once lamented on an SMS message that he enjoyed sleeping beside me because he felt secured whenever my arm was on his waist. He was right, for when I sleep at night, the same arms which are elusive to body contact during the day would be clutching something or I may never find the rest my body desires.

It would be another night - cuddle-less, restless, and longing for some warm soft body I would wrap my arms around as I fall into deep slumber. The pillow could offer a temporary relief, but who finds sincere pleasure in something that can never return the affection you are willing to give?

Hook-ups abound and I could trade a chance to get laid for one precious hug. But really, would it fill my desire knowing that it was born out of lust?

Maybe I'm just drunk so these thoughts run amok inside my head.

When I return to the gym later, I will make sure to seek the best exercise possible to firm my arms. The body can do on it's own with the seemingly endless deadlifts, benchpresses military presses and squats to sculpt it according to its specifications. However, the goal now is to pack-up as much bulk to that body part that expresses my affection towards someone.

Because the next time my arms cuddle the person it truly feels; the next time I'd get to invite a living being to sleep over and lie beside me in bed, I will make sure it's not just intimacy or lust it will show.

My arms will subtly reveal that it can lay down every part of its muscle; every firmness that it has

To the one, who might have already snatched my heart.


Mom told me this morning that Phanks showed up late last night. He gave away company give-aways for my mom and my sister to use.

Good thing I wasn't around. Good thing, I'm always out of the house.

For it would upset me more to see him, knowing we're both trying to pull ourselves out of the rut.

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