Thursday, March 6, 2008

Crash Diet | Hibernation

Here are some surefire tips to lose 15 pounds in two months:


1. Wake up late in the morning. Combine your breakfast with lunch.

2. Eat regular meals during your lunch/breakfast combo. Limit your rice intake to a single cup. Since the foul morning saliva still leaves a nasty aftertaste in your mouth even after brushing your teeth, you would most likely lose your appetite before your tummy have its full.

3. Skip Merienda. Not only will it save you money, skipping would also burn the excess calories from eating your regular lunch/breakfast combo.

4. Avoid eating at fast food restaurants no matter how tempting it is.

5. Avoid sugary foods and fried dishes. Eat more vegetables. The fresher they are, the better.

6. Instead of drinking sweetened drinks, replace everything with water.

7. Dinner should consist of Oatmeal. Nothing more, nothing less.

8. Pack your head with so many problems and troubles to think of (real or imaginary), the mere thought of them would drain all the remaining strength in you during the evening. (thinking of problems force me to go home early avoiding night-outs altogether.)

9. When hunger strikes at midnight. Ignore it. If it's not possible, grab some soda crackers, chips, or any light snack to eat that would let you endure the long night with an almost-empty stomach.
10. When you're engaged in sports or gym activities, give at least a leeway on your diet by adding extra glucose-rich foods such a biscuits before working out.


I should be celebrating right now because I'm just a couple of pounds away from my weight target. I've waited for this moment for a very long time. However, the sudden and reckless manner of cutting the vital nutrients which my body badly needed leaves me worried about the overall state of my well-being.

The problem is, I have already taught my mind and my appetite to eat as little as I could. I could endure a whole day without eating and still feeling nothing at all.

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