Friday, October 7, 2005

Clean-Up Day

If the house is my homeworld, then my room is its capital city.

It's been years since I last took a look at how bleaky and messy my room was. Dust and dirt have already coated most of the surfaces that used to be squeaky clean, slippery and shiny from the baby oil.

Before, when I used to practice this over-compulsiveness to my surroundings, Two weeks would never pass and I would start having a major clean-up again.

When I woke up this morning, I just thought of spending the whole day cleaning the room and throwing out all the things that I don't need anymore. After all, since I have finished the game Homeworld 2 last night and when I realized that Sims 2 is beginning to bore me,

I had nothing else to do.


Using some old rags I found outside my room, I began wiping out the dust that accumulated on my bookshelf. Fortunately, I have this orange-scented cleaning agent I bought at SM Megamall several years ago that really makes your wooden objects shine.

Slowly, I began making progress in cleaning it up: The books, papers and chorvas (objects that actually have no used being there in the first place) that used to clutter the shelves itself were sorted out, organized and kept in their respective places.

Soon, everything was in order and I have already moved on cleaning the TV stand and the shelves below it. The most bottom shelf is occupied by my cassette rack and several microcassette tapes that contains opening themes from several animes I used to watch before.

In fact, I guess I am the only one who have the Mask Rider Black, Yaiba and the Daimos Opening Themes recorded... well at least, before MP3 sharing has become popular in the internet. Today, all my cassette tapes include the microcassette ones were taken out of that shelf and put in a medium-sized box because my growing collection of pirated DVDs will occupy that space.

Cleaning and Wiping the dust on the TV Stand and the Bookshelf was relatively easy. The most difficult part of the cleaning process is how would I eradicated the moss and dirt that have already stained the walls and the surface of my computer table.

Good thing however, I bought this special cleaning agent from my Aunt several months ago in exchange for leaving me alone. That aunt of mine kept on recruiting me for her marketing company and since I am not really interested to join her MLM, I just bought that cleaning product from her.

This was the first time I will personally use that product and see with my own eyes whether what she said is true.


I filled a tabo with water up to a three-fourths of its capacity. Then I poured generous amounts of that cleaning agent into that tabo, mixed it up and experimented the solution into my smokie-blue wall that has already turned blackish because of the dirt that have accumulated on it.

And the result was absolutely incredible! With just several strokes using a rug, the entire darkened part of the wall completely vanished and showed the blue hue that was underneath it. I tried it several times more and the dirtiest part of the wall immediately turned blue!

An activity which you would normally finish in an hour is already over in less than 15 minutes. It's like, the solution simply dissolves the dirt in a way that it wont harm your skin.

Satisfied with the outcome of my experiment, I decided to use the cleaning agent I bought from my aunt in cleaning dirt from my computer monitor, computer table and parts of my room that has perpetually been dirty since ordinary detergents won't take out the stains.


Before lunch was over, I had already vacuumed my carpet and took out the trash from my garbage bin.

I have already changed my curtains and bedsheets when suddenly, I opened the topmost cabinet in my closet and saw all those boxes that contains everything that happened in my past lives - love letters, pictures, notes, greeting cards and sheet of papers that have become proofs of activities that are very memorable to me.

I kept everything, because I've always known... Those things will never happen again.

I took the boxes out and began sorting out the first box I got.

It was filled with a lot of things that reminded me of my recent past - photos of Odders, friends relatives and exes; Editorials I wrote in our newspaper when I took over my dad's post during my Third Year after he and his business partner went to Europe to have a summer vacation. So, if you get to read my political opinions and insights here, always remember that a long time ago, I used to write the same kind of shit in a nationally-circulated paper.

If only I was more insightful then.

There were also a bunch of letters that came from my ex-girlfriend.

In fact, I was so moved after skimming some of them because I realized that I have perfectly preserved all those letters my ex-girlfriend gave me, that I immediately sent her a text message thanking her again for all the memories we had.
After all, I remembered that during our last hang-out together she thought that I burned everything she gave me after we broke up.

Today, I sorted it all out and separated it from the rest of the other papers.

Opening that one box was a sort of nostalgic moment for me. One by one, memories that I have already forgetten suddenly came back rushing at me like a cold, lonely current filling up a drying river.

After I sorted out everything and added whatever that needs to be added in that box, I returned the notes and trinkets once again to close a past preserved to be enjoyed and remembered for a lifetime.


I was about to open the second box when the thought of buying new boxes to keep those thingies came over me.

Immediately, I stopped what I was doing, returned the boxes in their proper places and cleaned the last remaining clutter in my room to prepare and take a bath.

In my excitement, I completely bypassed arranging my clothes and looking at the toys and gadgets I kept from my childhood.

As soon, as I have finished dressing up. I called the maid and instructed her what to do with my clothes. I even opened the television so that she can watch what she was watching downstairs so that our maid won't be in a hurry finishing my task for her.

Ten minutes past two, I was already in an FX heading to Divisoria.

It's time to organize my past and keep them in a much sturdier encasement.

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