Monday, October 17, 2005

The Great Saturday Dating Story

At the middle of last week:

Three guys announced that they would be having a date last saturday. The first guy's date was someone he met in the chatroom a week ago. In order to further get an idea on how his date looked like, he provided a link to the third guy and asked him to initially check out the profile of guy number one's date.

The second guy announced that he would "hang-out" with this guy he met from two weeks ago. He said that this guy interests him because it seems like they have a lot of things in common. Like guy number one, Guy Number 2 provided a friendster link to Guy Number 3 so that he could check out if the guy he would be dating would pass the standards of Guy Number Three.

As if Guy Number Three maintains a standard of his own.

The third guy would be dating his lover, whom for more than four months endured a relatively unstable relationship. A week ago, they had a fight which ended in a break-up that lasted for an hour. However, since both of them believed that their relationship is too precious to be easily surrendered, they immediately patched things up and before they went to sleep, the have professed their love for one another again.


Guy Number One: I Am Beautiful And Guys Bow Before Me Story

As early as Thursday, Guy Number 3 already told Guy Number One (G1) that he found the pic-link of this guy he would be dating. For G3, G1's date is quite favorable when it comes to looks alone. So he told G1 that the guy he would be dating sounds interesting.

Despite G1's initial complaints that his potential date is currently jobless and has began to baby talk to him, G3 still encourage him to push through his activities last Saturday.

Saturday afternoon, G1 texted G3 that he called-off his date after his supposed to be date invited him to hang-out in his place instead of going out. Since G1 knows what his date implied, he immediately told the guy that he had an emergency that night and their date would be postponed indefinitely.

Once G1 postpones a date, it means he simply lost interest in meeting a guy he would be dating. Technically, he dumped his date after the guy showed that his intentions were more sexual in nature than a romantic one. For G1, his supposed to be date is not a lost at all. For him, he's just some other guy he met in the chatroom one evening he was bored and had nothing to do.

For sure, he would tell G3 that he would have another date with some new guy in several weeks.


Guy Number Two: And So The Liga's World Stopped... In Order For His World Stand At The Centerstage

Guy Number Two (G2) announced last Friday that he would be bringing a chaperone to his date last Saturday.

Everyone who heard his announcement immediately objected to his plans. Instead, his friends gave him a sound advice as to what to do in case his date has become a potential disaster.

His friends never knew if he listened to their insights or not. But last saturday, it appeared that he didn't bring a chaperone to his date.

As early as 7 pm, Everyone was asking G2 how his date is going on. Even G3, who was having his own date that night joined the hustle and texted G2 for updates.

To give you a background of G2, this guy is still a virgin. He has never been kissed by another guy and his last sex was still with an opposite sex. He has even yet to enter in a man to man relationship. That's why to everyone, his date is something news worthy.

Those who were following his story were even hoping that his date would end up in bed. That's how desperate his friends are for G2. After all, a guy can not be considered a homosexual or even bisexual if he hasn't even experienced a sex with the same sex.

Past 8 in the morning the following day.

G2 doesn't respond to text messages and even missed calls. Almost immediately, some began to speculate that G2 might have finally done "it" with his date and their "match" took more rounds than most guys could do in a night.

They might be sleeping yet due to exhaustion after a fiery and wild night together.

G2 texted several hours before lunch announcing they just drunk and nothing happened.

Nobody accepted his statement.

Later that afternoon, rumors were circulating that G2 said that he literally forgot the passing of time while he was with his date. According to the grapevine, G2 and his date left the bar half past 4 in the morning, which is quite unusual for a first meet up.

His friends assumed that if both of them were already intoxicated with alcohol, inhibitions would most likely disappear. And if there's no more inhibitions from both parties, the possibility of having a sexual engagement has a bigger chances of ever happening.

Besides, G2 admitted that "he likes the guy very much..." according to the grapevine. He said that the guys voice was a real turn on and he's the kind of guy G2 is looking for.

Reading between the lines, one could draw a very convincing conclusion.

It appears that Guy Number 2 had sex with his date and he lost his virginity in the process. Perhaps, for some reasons nobody still can't explain, he simply decided to conceal the truth so that his affair would never become an even hotter item. Surely, everyone would pressure him to spill out the details if they ever find out that he had sex with this guy.

Yet no matter what really happened. Everyone's fears did not materialized. Guy number two has a history of dumping his dates at the time when they were already dating. He didn't dumped his date this time.

Who knows, G2 might become the newest taken guy in the group before November ends.

Guy Number Three: Sex Is Everything

He arrived on time at their usual meet-up place near Pedro Gil.

Since the last time he went there to pick up his buddy happened more than six months ago, he had already lost the patience to wait for his bud, who usually arrives thirty minutes late.

Last saturday, his buddy texted that he was with his officemates at Robinson's Place. He told G3 to wait for him.

Out of disappointment after rushing to arrive on time at their meeting place, G3 became furious. He was even at the brink of cancelling his date completely. A minor fight erupted that lead to some serious verbal exchange between the couple.

In the end, his date asked G3 to meet him at the National Bookstore in Robinson's Place. Their intial meet up that night was rather distant and formal. However, coldness was replaced by discreet display of affection after G3s date snuggled at his back while he was reading a book at the books section of the said bookstore.

Their dinner at the Baywalk was rather bland and boring. Their food was half-cooked and the band that was playing sucks. G3, after having a minor disagreements with his mom the night before, started to rush things in order to avoid a confrontation from his mom again.

While his buddy begged to stay a little longer because he requested a song he would like to sing personally at the stage.

During his date, G3 realized that he was never really suited at dating. He tend to be distant and quiet when having a formal dinner with someone. He tends to avoid having any physical and verbal contact with his date whenever they are left alone.

He realized that what he is really waiting for is the intimacy in bed. No wonder, his claims that his highly sexual nature still remains with him was justified last Saturday night.

After dinner, they proceeded to Malate because his date wants to sing in a Karaoke Bar. Despite G3s insistence that they go home, his date complained about G3's obvious lack of interest to go out anymore.

Yet, for the love of his date. G3 gave in. They drank several bottles of beer which made G3 quite drunk. After an hour. They left Malate and proceeded home.

That night and the morning after... their "match" was extremely aggressive and their intimacy was considerably warmer than usual. His date, despite his initial plans to leave earlier slept until G3 finished his job, which he did at home to be with his buddy a little longer.

Suffice to say, the date proper was something worthy to do a walk-out, yet the night after made everything the whole activity a perfection.



Guy number one has yet to announce his date for the following week. It seems like he had finally dumped the guy who used to baby talk to him even though they haven't met yet.

Guy number two admitted that he dated someone who was having some conflicts with his lover. Although he had fun hanging out with the guy, G2 realized for the first time how everything works in the PLU world...

A day after their date, G2 texted the guy just to check him out if he was okay. Unfortunately, the guy never replied. It is assumed that everything is over between them. Perhaps, the guy had finally resolved his issues with his buddy the day after he dated G2.

And Guy number three... suffers from a growing pigsa... somewhere very near his anus. (note: he was never bottomed). Currently, G3 is bombarding himself with large doses of vitamin C in order to regain his energies lost after spending more than 16 hours with his buddy last weekend.

Their relationship remains stable, despite the occassional flares that happened between them. On Friday, they will be celebrating their 3oth monthsary.

The End

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